Monday, October 29, 2012

Are You Really Hearing Voices Or Is Your Mind Trying to Find Patterns in the White Noise?

It is fairly well known by neurologists and neuroscientists that the human eye uses the brain and memory to fill in the blanks as the eye focuses. This allows you to turn your head very quickly and not see a blur, or to look at an object and quickly recognize and discern what it is. You may see a small truck in the distance, and your mind goes through its memory of what a pickup truck looks like, and as your eye starts to focus it does what they call "frame bursting" and it starts to fill in all the blanks, and as you focus more and more your brain is refining what it is seeing.

This works quite well, but I'd like to discuss with you a potential similar theory with regard to the sense of hearing. Have you ever heard the sound of a fan motor in a room and the moving blades and perhaps other noises in other rooms, and your mind is trying to figure out the patterns of how these noises are interacting. Sometimes it seems as if there is a similar background noise to a group of people chattering away in a coffee shop or at a party. All the while, you realize that there are no people talking, but your mind is trying to make sense of the patterns in the white noise.

Have you ever looked at a ceiling, tiles, or the grain in wood - you look at these things long enough your mind thinks it sees a picture of a face, the shape of a dog, or some other similar shape. What your mind is doing is what I discussed above - it is trying to makes sense of the patterns, even though they may be random. Your mind is frame bursting its visual memory. I would submit to you that your mind does the same thing with noise, and that your mind is working very diligently to try to make sense of the sounds. Why does it do this?

Well, your mind doesn't turn off, even when you are sleeping it seems to be defragging so to speak. Your sense of hearing never turns off, and this is probably an evolutionary throwback because humans to stay safe had to be able to hear sounds, perhaps footsteps, or animals which might be a threat, therefore alerting the brain to wake up the human to defend itself or to run. Perhaps when you dream and you may have experience with this, something is going on in the background while you are sleeping it will affect the way in which your dream evolves at a subconscious level.

Whether you are lucid dreaming, in REM, or just sitting silently listening to the noise, no matter how slight - It could be cicadas outside, wind in the trees, it might be a buzzing sound of electricity in the air, or it might be nearly undetectable ultrasound interacting with the other noise - but your mind is trying to make sense of it all, it's trying to discern patterns, and is matching that to your memory of sounds, spoken language, and everything else that you've ever heard. In that case it can't match what isn't there, but it tries to discern a possible pattern. You aren't hearing things, it's your mind trying to bring it into focus, just as it does with visual images in frame bursting.

Now then in this theory of mine there are some brains that are quite active, and memories which are quite adapted. It's hard to say if this is another form of intelligence, or a process that all humans are capable of, if they would only listen to the vibrational noise and sounds around them. I'd like to leave you with all these thoughts, and I hope you will please consider all this and think on it. If you have any additional comments or questions I hope you will shoot me an e-mail.

Life Explained: The Definition of Life

Life means different things to different people. But nobody truly knows life until they know what it really is and which structure on earth is more suitable to carry it on. This article defines Life in practical terms and identifies the biological cell as the host of the living principle.

First of all, what is LIFE? What is the definition of Life?

According to, Life is: 'the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally", among other definitions.

Another definition online is from and it says that life is " the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional plant or animal from a dead body b : a state of living characterized by capacity for metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction", still among other definitions.

Does these definitions tell you the reader what life really is? Maybe so, maybe not.

To define life the way most people can understand what it really is we have to look at living organisms and see what they do differently from non living things.

Life deals with movement, activity, creativity, adaptation to environmental changes, growth, reproduction, limited size, specific form, etc. but those factors are not specific to living organisms. If you look carefully you will find most of them if not all, related to non living things as well. What living things do differently from non living things is:

try to experiment most of them instead of just one or a few contrary to what we see in non living things that individually pick up some factors and leave out others
combine all these factors in a process or a plan towards the achievement of personal gaols and hopefully a final goal
Living organisms are part of the Nature. They do not do things that no non living thing can not do. THey most of the time do things that are done in Nature. But they are able to do many things over and over following a plan.

Living organisms work but they are not the only workers on Earth. Work being the ability to move and/or transform things, we know that Water and the Wind for example work well just like the Sun light does. What living organisms do differently is use work to meet personal goals and be able to hopefully transmit this work to new living organisms self-made or available. So what is Life? How can we now define Life?

Life is simply a useful work!

Life is a work done by an element of Earth in order to attain personal goals that are mainly self-protection, growth, communication, interactions, creativity, adaptation to environment and reproduction/birth.

In practical terms Life is a process of useful assimilation of energy/matter by a so-called living organism. In order to continue living such an organism absorbs external energy/matter, digests it, retains useful elements that most of the time are used to make new specific energy/matter that is integrated into its body and throws the waste products away. The fact of taking external energy/matter and be able to put most part of it in its body so that external energy/matter is now intrinsic part of the body is what is termed the assimilation ability of the living organism. But since that assimilation has a purpose, I call it useful assimilation. So what is Life then now?

Life is a useful assimilation of energy/matter.

How useful is this assimilation? It allows the living organism to self sustain itself, adapt to the environment, be more creative, grow if needed and reproduce if possible.

What are living organisms, those earth elements able to do a work termed useful assimilation?

If you look carefully and analyze them with scientific tools you will find that all so-called living organisms are biological cells or society of cells, that is those we call microorganisms (single cells and small societies of cells) and animals and plants commonly called pluricellular organisms. We can now simply call livings things cell organisms.

Platonic Fullerene Science and World Peace

The national or tribal political will that puts modern science and technology to work, seeks to control economic employment for the masses and maintain a defence structure to ensure the continuation of political power. This can be done in the name of democracy, plutocracy, dictatorship, religion, monarchies, etc. All vie to develop emotional mind control spin-aesthetics to convince their subjects that they are better off than their competitor nations or tribes. It follows that the idea of a one world government must constitute a threat to such various mind control systems. However, it is possible to override this concern by using riorous science to develop a sustainable medical code of ethics, designed specifically to guide civilisation into a state of perpetual world peace rather than perpetual conflict. The only thing preventing this to occur is science itself.

As the full potential of nanotechnology emerges, nations with nuclear weapons at their disposal will begin to realise that they will soon be no longer protected by them. It is obvious that futuristic nano-machines will be able to mass produce undetectable nano-weapons of mass destruction and there are plenty of willing zealots who would be greatly honoured to use them against civilian populations. Some might declare this to be a natural culling of people on an overpopulated planet. There will be plenty of high-ranking military personnel determined to use nanotechnology to stop the religious zealots. On the other hand, nanotechnology has the potential to create anything from very little, including the construction of food and water. Without a responsible science those controlling nanotechnology will bring hell on earth. However, with a responsible science to guide them to it, utopia is possible. In order to obtain that utopia, the scientific will to create it must first exist.

The fanatic will to bring about violent destruction is not limited to religious zealots who inflict instant entropic destruction upon innocent civilians. This fanatical will is fundamentally basic to almost all highly trained scientists as well. The prevailing scientific world-view's desire to move civilians toward entropic destruction is just as fanatical, but it operates in a slower and more organised manner. Scientists need to realise why this is an accurate depiction of the mainstream scientific mindset and to dissociate themselves from a inner compulsion to worship destructive chaos.

The Nobel Laureate Lord Bertrand Russell and Albert Einstein used mathematics to convince themselves that people must worship chaos destruction. Russell's most popular essay was entitled 'A Freeman's Worship' in which he wrote that scientists must be governed by the physics law that Einstein called the premier law of all of the sciences, the law of universal chaos. At the very end, Russell wrote, all human creative genius will be utterly destroyed within a universe in thermodynamic ruin.This fanatical mindset cannot be emotionally negated by people continually telling each other to have a happy day. The time period for entropic human extinction, in nano-terms, is not at all linked to the lengthy one that Russell and Einstein predicted.

Arguing totally the opposite to the worshipping of Diabolic chaos, was the Platonic tradition of scientific philosophy that, during the 3rd Century BC, created the 'Science for Ethical Ends'. One may well ask, what makes Platonic logic so important in this matter of human survival? The answer to that question is that Platonic logic defined 'evil' as a destructive property of unformed matter within the physical atom, which can emerge to destroy civilisation.

The same mathematical logic that predicted this threat of nuclear destruction also applies to the misuse of nanotechnology. One may then ask, who can you trust to guide ennobling ethical government for the benefit of all? Platonic 'good' was defined as being for the health of an infinite universe. Therefore, the answer is that you can trust a medical science based upon a sustainable infinite evolutionary ethic. The next question arises, how can you locate an infinite evolutionary ethic that functions for the health of the universe when modern mainstream physics prohibits it to exist?

The answer to that question is obvious. Nanotechnology has shown that the molecule of emotion discovered in 1972 by Dr Candace Pert is part of a complex dynamical fractal energy system extending its logic to a universal infinity in contradiction to Russell and Einstein's world-view. The molecule of emotion continuously upgrades the structure of the endocrine fluids maintaining human health within an evolving infinite universe. That process is the basis of the emerging science of quantum biology, which entangles with the energies of chaos to evolve human consciousness. Quantum biology tells us that it is time to stop worshipping the god of chaos that the ancient Greeks called Diabolos.

Buckminster Fuller used the Platonic ethical mathematics to develop his synergistic model of the universe and the three 1996 Nobel laureates in chemistry named the basis of their new medical science as Fullerene Chemistry. Fuller wrote a book entitled 'Utopia or Oblivion' in which he postulated that we now have a choice to be governed by the law of chaos or by the Platonic engineering principles of creation. To the non-scientist this means living in a universe governed by Platonic love.

From Fuller's balanced energy perspective, derived directly from Platonic mathematics, the necessary medical science can be envisaged in which nano-technology can be guided by an ethical Platonic Oath, upgrading the ancient Hippocratic one, used in medicine today. During the 18th and 19th Centuries, a PhD in science meant a doctorate in philosophy and the great philosophers of that time, who made the great electromagnetic discoveries, used the mathematics belonging to the Platonic ethical science to develop ethical electromagnetic physics. Any leading encyclopaedia will explain that the discoverer of the electromagnetic field, Hans Christian Oersted, wrote his doctoral dissertation, based upon the electromagnetic ethics postulated by the philosopher of science Emmanuel Kant.

Friedrich Schelling and Alexander Humboldt upgraded the electromagnetic ethic in terms compatible with recent discoveries made by nanotechnology. The Platonic tradition of philosophy classifies modern scientists as ignorant barbaric engineers, only fit to help engineer continual Diabolic chaos. Although Kant's work is held to greatly influence 21st Century scientific culture, it is a good bet that extremely few scientists reading this article would have the faintest clue that anybody ever reasoned about any sort of electromagnetic ethic, or that scientists in the past wrote formulae to demonstrate how electromagnetic ethics balanced E=Mc2.

They might therefore ask themselves, is it true that I cannot even begin to reason about such things, even though my PhD confirms me to be a philosopher? Have I been taught that I cannot challenge Einstein's entropic world-view? Am I aware that some scientists simply assume that the universe is infinite in order to derive practical solutions to complex engineering problems? Is it possible that I might be only be fit to accelerate entropic chaos in all of my reasoning unless I consider linking my hard earned knowledge to the holographic reality of quantum biology?

These question are rather serious ones. In emotional universal energy terms, there is little difference between a suicide bomber accelerating instant entropic chaos upon innocent people and the development of modern science doing the same thing in slow motion. By ignoring the existence of electromagnetic ethics within nanotechnology, huge machines are digging are up raw materials for entropic industrial development and huge fishing trawlers are netting dolphins as the nets rape the oceans. The perpetrators remain oblivious to the potential of nanotechnology to produce both the raw materials and food supplies from almost nothing.

It appears to be futile to try telling these things to a society hell bent on accelerating destructive chaos and fearful for job opportunities via an economy that converted Kantian ethics for world-peace on earth into an unattainable entropic cancerous economic growth concept. Could it become possible for scientists to allow their brilliant but unbalanced training to become entangled with the newly emerging quantum biology? People need to become aware of what they are doing when they feel obliged to remain in complete servitude to any of the dictates of 20th Century entropic mathematics, physics, politics, economics and religious certitude. Then they may be on the lookout for ethical opportunities in order to become a responsible part of the future nano-quantum biology supra-science.

Georg Cantor's mathematics is now a fundamental part of modern science. It is time to stop adding to him being the most vilified mathematician in history because of his objective to use his infinity mathematics to bring about world peace. The reader is urged to download 'Physics of life: The dawn of quantum biology' on Google to read about NASA findings relevant to this article, as published in the journal Nature and containing two subheadings 'Nature knows a few tricks that scientists don't' and 'This might just give us a few clues in the quest to develop quantum biology'.

When Your House Plants Become Pets - Human Plant Communication Next Up on Innovation List

In the future, your houseplants may actually become more like pets. This is because you may be able to communicate with them, or at least understand their needs. Perhaps we can develop sensors which understand their vibrational energy, or their sense of well-being. Some say plants are mindless and they don't understand, but that hardly makes sense as they are able to adapt to their environment often better than people. If you turn a houseplant away from the Sun, it will go ahead and turn its leaves back towards the sun within a few days. Okay so let's talk shall we?

There was an interesting article recently in the Wall Street Journal on September 11, 2012 titled; "Alert: Your Plant Needs Water - New Wireless Sensors Are Connecting Everyday Objects with People" by Jessica E. Vascellaro which showed off some of the latest personal tech with apps to match. One was a device that can hook up with a moisture sensor to tell when the soil in the pot of a house plant needs water, then the WiFi signal would alert you or your iPhone for instance.

What if our houseplants began to evolve realizing that when they sent out a certain vibrational pulse, it would cause you to come and water them? What if that biological mechanism figured that out? No, it wouldn't be like a baby crying for milk, it would be the bacteria within the plant sending out a signal that it was ready to receive water. Those plants which were able to evolve and send out the strongest signals as soon as they needed water would have the ability to grow faster and stronger, pollinate faster, and therefore they would be chosen by humans as preferable houseplants.

Just as we have domesticated our pets and thus, they have evolved for certain types of behavior, and just as we have modified our crop species by replanting and choosing the seeds from the most bountiful, in this way we would also be evolving our houseplants - plants which could work with our sensors, and communicate their needs to us in this way.

Those plants which did not respond or let us know that they needed water would not get the water in time therefore they wouldn't grow as fast, thus, they would not be desired as much, or carried in the nurseries which sell houseplants to big box home improvement stores. Okay so, indeed I'd like you to think about this for a little bit, and consider all the benefits and applications to such future technologies.

Do Mushrooms Fall Under Vegetarian Category or Non-Vegetarian?

I started doing a bit of research about this in Gita, The Holy Book of Hindus. According to Krishna or Krishna consciousness, if you will, don't indulge in over/under eating.

The gist of my research is, food is divided in to 3 types. Now it is up to us to decide where each food falls.

1. Goodness: Milk, honey, vegetables, rice, lentils etc. If you ask me, eggs are also vegetarian. They are not fertilized by sperm. By definition, you are not causing pain to the egg when you make an omelet (just like you don't cause pain to carrots when you dig them out of soil). In my definition, egg falls into Goodness category.

Counter argument is that we need to classify food based on cell-structure not where it comes from.

2. Passion: Anything which is hot (chili-hot) and spicy falls into this category. From what I understand, there is no clear definition of which foods fall under this category.

3. Ignorance: Meat and meat products fall under this category. 
(According to Gita). It always surprised me that we give so much importance to religion, peace etc, yet Gita itself is a justification of why war is essential at times. Of course I fully believe that it is the Holiest of texts till date, yet the irony is not lost.

Argument one: Recently mushroom farmers have started using fish emulsion spray derived from fishes for faster growth. 
So a fertilizer, which is not pure vegetarian is being used on a vegetarian item. That is the reason why some vegetarians are not clear whether to eat mushrooms.

Argument 2: Every single second we kill millions of bacteria and other microscopic creatures by inhaling air. So its all about what definitions people give to justify their eating habits.

Another thing is, how many of us realize that it's not about meat or non-meat products but its about not killing animals for our wants/needs? For the same reason even leather cloths should also be a strict No for a practicing vegetarian. Can we live without eating meat? Yes. But do I propagate that eating vegetarian food is the way to go? No. I am not against eating meat and I don't try to persuade those who do to consider my perspective.

